Do you prefer to draw from Living Models or Photographs?

It is easier for me to draw from reference photographs. Time constraints and money practically force me to rely on photographs for references. When I explore new places I like to take a ton of digital photographs. (I gain more exploring time if I do not focus solely on my sketchbook.) I then can use those digital photographs any time I need the reference material. I am not limited to whatever I drew in my sketchbook while I was around the new place. I still use my sketchbook when I travel. It is just filled with quick drawings, notes and textures.

Living Models provide something that photographs sometimes miss. You can explore movement if you have a living model. Imagine if you have a clothed person in front of you. That person or model can move into various poses for you to draw. You could practice speed drawing. Or you could practice drawing the folds on their clothes as they move. You are not limited to one or two reference photographs. You are just limited by time.

Almost every artist has to work from some sort of reference. Do you prefer to draw from life, or from reference photographs?